My current publications

Msc Daniel Skodlerack. Beschreibung affiner Gebäude und der Ubergang
zu Zentralisatoren.
Diplomarbeit HU-Berlin, 2005.

Daniel Skodlerack. Embedding types and canonical affine maps
between bruhat-tits buildings of classical groups., 2010.

1 Daniel Skodlerack. The centralizer of a classical group and bruhat
tits buildings
Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 63 (2013), no. 2, 515–546. MR 3112840
2 Daniel Skodlerack. Embeddings of local fields in simple algebras
and simplicial structures.
Publ. Mat. 58 (2014), no. 2, 499–516. MR 3264509
3 Daniel Skodlerack. Field embeddings which are conjugate under a
p-adic classical group.
Manuscripta Math. 144 (2014), no. 1-2, 277–301. MR 3193777

Daniel Skodlerack and Shaun Stevens. Intertwining semisimple
characters for p-adic classical groups
Nagoya Math. J. 238 (2020), 137–205. MR 4092850

5 Robert Kurinczuk, Daniel Skodlerack, Shaun Stevens. Endo-parameters for p-adic classical Groups, Inventiones Mathematicae (2020), doi 10.1007/s00222-020-00997-0

Daniel Skodlerack. Semisimple characters for inner forms I: GLm(D), pages 1-52, Algebras and Representation Theory, Springer 2021.


Daniel Skodlerack. Semisimple characters for inner forms II: Quaternionic forms of p-adic classcial groups (p odd), Represent. Theory 24 (2020), 323–359. MR 4128451


Daniel Skodlerack, Cuspidal irreducible representations of quaternionic forms of p-adic classical groups for odd p, arxiv:1907.02922 (2019), 1–26.

9 Daniel Skodlerack, Cuspidal irreducible complex or l-modular representations of quaternionic forms of p-adic classical groups for odd p, 29. December 2020, 1-48


Prof. Daniel Skodllerack


Shanghaitech University

Institute for Mathematical Sciences,  Room S413


Office hours: Fr. 5:40pm-6:40pm


Alternatively you can write an email or a Wechat message to arrange an appointment Email address:  dskodlerack at



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© Daniel Skodlerack 上海科技大学 数学科学研究所 上海市浦东新区华夏中路393号上海科技大学创艺学院南楼(D区)室S413