My current publications

Msc Daniel Skodlerack. Beschreibung affiner Gebäude und der Ubergang
zu Zentralisatoren.
Diplomarbeit HU-Berlin, 2005.

Daniel Skodlerack. Embedding types and canonical affine maps
between bruhat-tits buildings of classical groups., 2010.


Daniel Skodlerack. The centralizer of a classical group and bruhat
tits buildings
Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 63 (2013), no. 2, 515–546.

MR 3112840


Daniel Skodlerack. Embeddings of local fields in simple algebras
and simplicial structures.
Publ. Mat. 58 (2014), no. 2, 499–516.

MR 3264509


Daniel Skodlerack. Field embeddings which are conjugate under a
p-adic classical group.
Manuscripta Math. 144 (2014), no. 1-2, 277–301.

MR 3193777


Daniel Skodlerack and Shaun Stevens. Intertwining semisimple
characters for p-adic classical groups
 Nagoya Math. J. 238 (2020),

137–205. MR 4092850


Daniel Skodlerack. Semisimple characters for inner forms II: 

Quaternionic forms of p-adic classcial groups (p odd),

Represent. Theory 24 (2020), 323–359. MR 4128451


Robert Kurinczuk, Daniel Skodlerack, Shaun Stevens. 

Endo-parameters for p-adic classical Groups

Inventiones Mathematicae 223 (2021), no. 2, 597-723


Daniel Skodlerack. Semisimple characters for inner forms I: GLm(D),

Algebras and Representation Theory, 25 (2022), 1559-1610


Daniel Skodlerack, Cuspidal irreducible complex or l-modular

representations of quaternionic forms of p-adic classical groups for odd p, 

Monatshefte der Mathematik, 203 (2023), no. 3, 881-942


David Helm, Robert Kurinczuk, Daniel Skodlerack and Shaun Stevens. 

Block decompositions for p-adic classical groups and their inner forms.

arxiv:2405.13713, 2024



Prof. Daniel Skodllerack


Shanghaitech University

Institute for Mathematical Sciences,  Room S413


Office hours: 


You can write an email or a Wechat message to arrange an appointment Email address:  dskodlerack at



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© Daniel Skodlerack 上海科技大学 数学科学研究所 上海市浦东新区华夏中路393号上海科技大学创艺学院南楼(D区)室S413