FLT seminar

The aim of the seminar is to understand the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. 

The first source is the book


"Current Developements in Mathematics, 1995", Raoul Bott, Arthur Jaffe, S.T. Yau,  International press incomrporated, 1995, ISBN 1-57146-029-2


ISince the above literature is not very recent and alomst without proofs, we need to find references for the following topics: 


  1. Elliptic curves
  2. Modular forms
  3. Shimura varieties
  4. Hecke algebra's
  5. Galois representations
  6. l-adic representation of elliptic curves
  7. l-adic representation of a newform
  8. Modularity of a Galois representation
  9. Deformation of a representation
  10. Deformation of a Galois representation
  11. Isomorphism criterion (for defoemations) and modularity criterion 
  12. Shimura-Taniyama conjecture and FLT.


This gives a first structure of the seminar. 

Prof. Daniel Skodllerack


Shanghaitech University

Institute for Mathematical Sciences,  Room S413


Office hours: 


You can write an email or a Wechat message to arrange an appointment Email address:  dskodlerack at shanghaitech.edu.cn



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© Daniel Skodlerack 上海科技大学 数学科学研究所 上海市浦东新区华夏中路393号上海科技大学创艺学院南楼(D区)室S413